Thursday, October 21, 2010

October activities

Tiny 4" tall teapot, with a flower implosion marble in the lid. My first teapot, it's purely ornamental. The spout is too low to be practical, but the lid is my best one yet. It'll be awhile before I make a teapot that I would dare pour hot water into.

This 11" lidded goblet used the last bowl that I made before sending my torch away for repair. Until my regular torch comes back I can't even spin a decent foot. I put this goblet together using a tiny torch, annealed it on its side, and it turned out crooked. Well, it would look better with a longer stem and a green foot anyway, so I'll fix it when the CC gets back.

Still, I like the colors, and flowers always make me smile.

Also, I started two batches of red mold ripened cheese. Red mold ripened cheeses are the really stinky ones, like Limburger, but I'm shooting for something milder in flavor. One batch was made like soft goat cheese -- lactic acid coagulated with just a few drops of rennet. The other batch was made like Camembert, with a little more rennet and cut curds instead of scooped. Now I turn them daily and wash the rind a few times a week with a brine-mold mix, and hope only the molds I want grow on them.

And, hey! It's October, so I've got a Bourbon Barrel Pumpkin Ale fermenting away.